Okay, so here's the story....short version.....maybe. I was invited by my Aunt to come and have dinner at her house on Tuesday after work. As I was on my way over I was talking to my Mom on the phone. In the middle of the conversation she clicked over because Lindsay was calling. Not an unusual occurrence. When she came back I asked her if everything was okay. She said yes. LIE! Anyway, I will get back to that later. :) I get to my Aunt's house, left the phone in the car to charge, and went in and started chatting with her. Not too long after that her phone rang. It was my Mom and she wanted to talk to me. She told me that Lindsay was in labor and at the hospital. My exact response was, "WHAT???", kind in a loud screamish voice. My Aunt could tell what was going on so she so kindly packed up some dinner that she cooked for me and sent me on my way. I was the first one to the hospital around 7:30pm or so. Lindsay had already received her epidural so she was doing just fine. After while my Mom and Dad showed up and we were just sitting around waiting and waiting. Oh and back to the lie thing. When Lindsay called in the middle of my phone call with my Mom she wasn't calling to say everything was okay, she was calling to say she was in labor and on the way to the hospital. They didn't want anyone else to know just in case they were sent home. Anyway, around 11:30pm I started getting hungry. You wonder why because I had this nice dinner packed up for me. Well I put my nice sister-in-law pants on that day and let Gabe have it since he would be up all night with Lindsay. Pat on the back for me. :) My Dad and I wandered around looking for a vending machine. We finally found one and headed back up to the room. When we got out of the elevator my Mom said that everything was a go and Lindsay was ready to have the baby. We all went into the waiting room, thinking it was going to be about 45 minutes like with Brody, and no more than 10 minutes did my Mom come in saying that we had another little boy. Way to go Lindsay! We did, however, have to wait another 30 minutes so they could clean everything up and let Lindsay feed baby Cash. When we finally got to see him, I instantly fell in love. I don't know why I thought he was going to come out looking like Brody, but he is definitely his own person with his own look. He is just adorable.
The new family of four is now at home and doing just fine. Brody is a great big brother and helps his Mommy out all the time finding paci's for Cash and giving them to him. Love them all!