I had a wonderful Easter this year. Of course it gets crazy trying to accommodate 2 different families, but we made it all work. On Saturday my Mom hosted Easter lunch at her house. I picked my Grandad up and off we went. My Grandmother is in town from San Antonio so it was nice to have her here for Easter. Honestly, I think this might be the first Easter I have ever spent with her. Hmmm. We got over to Moms a little early because I wanted to help her cook lunch. The food was just coming out of the oven and my sister, her husband, and Brody showed up. Just in time because we would have started without them. That sounds bad but we got the okay a head of time because they had to wait for Brody to wake up from his nap. Who know what time that would have been. Well because they showed up when we were about to eat meant Brody had not napped. It was fine because they put him down when they got there which left them free to eat without having to chase the little man around. We had a great lunch and great time playing with Brody after he woke up. After looking at my pictures I saw that I only took pictures of the baby and of nothing else. I probably should work on that for the next holiday. :) On Sunday we went over to my Grandad's place for lunch. We typically do lunch at my Aunt and Uncle's house but her birthday happened to fall on Easter this year so of course we wouldn't make her cook. We had a nice time even though it was minus my sister and her family. It was kind of a situation where they had to pick either my Dad's family or her in laws. Since they were with her family on Saturday, they decided to do Gabe's family on Sunday. It was all good. For my Aunt's birthday we got her a red velvet cake and it was AMAZING! That is my favorite kind of cake. Amongst all of the family fun, I would stop and think every so often that Grace came into play on this day and by that Grace I get to spend eternity in Heaven......and that is what I am most thankful for.

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