Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas
Well with all of the yucky stuff I am going through I am going to make Christmas great because Christmas is not about having a job or presents. I had to remind myself that Christmas is about another VERY important reason. That put things in perspective right away. I am going to be happy! The festivities start tonight. We are doing Christmas with my mom this evening and then doing Christmas day with my dad. It will be an eventful couple of days. I am really thankful for my supportive family. I wouldn't want to do anything else on Christmas but to spend time with them. Next year is going to be a brand new year and a really good one for me. My future got brighter the day I got let go from my job. I am excited to see what God has in store for me in 2009. I hope you guys are ready to come along with me on this crazy journey. :) Merry Christmas!!!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Well Christmas is supposed to be a fun, joyful time of year for everyone. I am having a hard time with that today. I just found out this morning that I was let go from my job. I understand that everyone is taking a hit because of how bad the economy is, but it didn't really hit home until it directly effected me. I know things will be okay but it is just hard right now. I have never had this happen before. It kind of came out of no where for me to be honest. I have a job until Dec 31. See, bosses should have these conversations with people right before it is time to leave because now that I have received this crappy news I still have to work all day and be really nice to people. I need to go home and process all of this. Since I didn't know this was coming I didn't look for any back up opportunity. I know I am kind of rambling but I really just don't know what to do right now. Lots of prayers are greatly appreciated right now. I know I can turn things around and find a really good job. I need to get on that mind set....I don't think it will be today though. So sad.
Friday, December 5, 2008
So my cat finally got mad at me, and I certainly paid for it. Typically when I go to bed "Lucky" starts out in the bed with me and then sometime during the night he leaves. I am still not sure where he sleeps, but oh well. Well, a couple of nights ago around 2:30 am he decided to play with anything in my room that made noise. I woke up of course and it took me about 45 minutes to finally get him to lay in bed with me and go back to sleep. Yeah, so it definitely happened again the next night. I was so tired and didn't want to deal with it so I picked him up, put him outside my door, and shut it. When I was leaving for work the next day I saw that he had basically destroyed my living room. Pictures on the walls were half hanging and any pictures I had on shelves were knocked off. Basically any nick knack sort of thing was on the floor. He clearly was upset with me for locking him out of my room. I am really glad nothing broke because he got on to the high shelves. Not really sure how he did that. Oh well. I took the chance and locked him out again last night and much to my surprise he did fine and nothing was knocked over. I feel bad not letting him in my room, but if I am going to stay awake at work, I need a good nights sleep. Oh the joys of having a cat. :)
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
I had a fabulous 5 days off of work. It was a bear coming back yesterday. I was EXHAUSTED! Thanksgiving was great, as always. There was more food then we knew what to do with. Since we have to split it between my mom and my dad, we had lunch with dad and dinner with mom. At the end of the day I honestly felt gross because I had eaten so much. Yay for that extra 5 lbs. that have taken up a new home on my hiny. Football was good and bad. Awesome for the Cowboys, sorry for the Aggies. I had wonderful, wonderful birthday on Monday. My friends gave me a lot of love that day. I took the day off from work because really, who wants to work on their birthday. Since my mom and I share our birthdays we decided to spend the day together. We hadn't done that in a very long time. We went to lunch, a movie, and then dinner. It was very eventful. Okay lets talk about the movie. We saw the movie 4 Christmases. It was hilarious! I highly recommend it. Yeah so I may have seen that movie 2 times in 4 days. Is that weird? I saw it on Thanksgiving day with my grandad, aunt, and uncle. It was a spur of the moment thing on Thanksgiving. I told my mom that I would see it again with her because it was so funny. I think I am done seeing that movie for awhile. I got a new digital camera for my birthday. I was so happy about that. I had one but with all of my moving around the charger got lost. I loved that camera so much that I went to 4 different stores looking for a charger. Technology baffles me because even though the camera is only 6 years old the people at the stores acted like I had bought it in the 80's. It really is a perfectly good camera. After the 4th store I knew I was going to have to give it up. I was so sad. It is sitting in my room on my dresser because I can't bring myself to throw it away. I do love my new camera. I am still trying to figure it out but so far it working out just fine. It is so small that I keep it in my purse all of the time. Hey, I might just need to whip it out and capture a picture, you never know. I haven't ever had to do that before but it could happen at any time. Always be prepared. I still have birthday dinner and lunches with my friends through next week so I will be quite busy. :) Oh, and my sister is only 15 weeks away from having little Brody. Her belly is growing and is really cute. So exciting!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Well, I went and got myself a little kitty. Well, he isn't that little. His name is Lucky and he is about 4 months old. One of my best friend's mother has a cat and it had kittens a while back. My friend called me and asked if I wanted to come over and look at them and take one home. I said no at first, but the more I thought about it the more I wanted one. I was mainly concerned about how much it would cost to get him fixed but her mom said she would pay to get him fixed and his first round of shots. What?? I can do that. I called her back and told her I would come look at them. I think they were only a week old when I saw them the first time. THEY WERE SO CUTE! How could someone just walk away from those precious little things. I picked one out and then had to then be patient while she scheduled him to get fixed. It finally happened last week. Boys are so much easier to take care of after they get fixed then girls. When I brought him home he was jumping up on the bed and running. I know that with girls the procedure is a little more invasive. He is all good. He is so loving and loves to be around people. Everywhere I go, he goes. He doesn't like me to be out of his sight, unless he is sleeping. I have to watch my step most of the time so I don't step on him. The only issue I have is that he is very messy when it comes to his litter box. This is a recent thing too. Over the weekend I noticed that the area around his litter box was covered in litter. I thought maybe it was just an accident but after I cleaned it up it was like that again the next morning. I guess I am just going to have to get used to this. We had 2 cats growing up and none of them were this messy. I can see a little bit flying out but not this much. I think he might be doing this on purpose. Yeah, probably not. All in all I love having him around. I feel bad that I have to leave him home alone all day, but I guess he can deal with no choice. Guess what??? THANKSGIVING IS ALMOST HERE!!!! Can you tell I'm excited?? Only a couple more days of work left. I know they are going to be really long days, but they will go by and then it will be turkey day! I have a feeling everyone who reads this thinks I am nuts because I am so into Thanksgiving. I am really not that crazy, but if you think I am, I can live with it. :) Peace out!!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Life's lessons
Look at me, 2 posts in 1 week. Don't get excited because this won't happen very often. I just wanted to say that I have been learning a lot lately. I have a hard time just letting things go or roll off my back, but recently, with a lot of prayer and hard work I have been getting a lot better at it. I have a friend that I haven't even known for a year who has kind of done me wrong these past couple of months and I have had a hard time getting over/through it. She was a person I opened my heart to, and that doesn't happen very often. I really think sometimes I have to realize that people have stuff going on in their lives that I don't know or shouldn't know about. Sometimes it is really crappy stuff. Ya know, sometimes I can be a pain in the rear because my life isn't peachy so I really need to give my friends that same benefit and not take it personally. What I have learned is that just because things aren't going the way I want them to doesn't mean they have completely fallen apart. I still love my friend dearly because she came into my life when I needed her the most. She brought out a side of me that had been hidden for a long time. I am thankful for the bond that we shared and hope to be close to her again one day. She is a beatiful person and i respect her in so many ways. If she reads this, which I don't know if she does, I hope she realizes it is her I am talking about. I am really thankful for you and what you brought to my life. Anyway, on a lighter note, THANKSGIVING IS ALMOST HERE!!!!!! I seriously can't wait. Thats all for now. :)
Monday, November 17, 2008

I think I had a very nice weekend. On Friday I went to dinner with some friends and then on Saturday I went to a baby shower for one of my dear friends from high school. No sleeping in on Saturday because the shower was at 10am.....thanks Lindsey. :) I figured I would know a couple of people at the shower but oddly enough I knew a lot more then I thought. Of course some of my high school buddies were there. I was really happy to see my friend Heather, who lives in Colorado. I was sure she wouldn't be there. So happy. It is always nice to see the high school girls. After high school everyone has moved here there and everywhere. I like that we try and get together at least once a year. They have played a huge role in my life and I love those girls more than anything. So my mom called me on Tuesday and said that she was going to be out of town for a couple of weeks because her and her husband were going to Hawaii. WHAT????? They booked the vacation on Tuesday and left on Thursday. Um, okay, how did they do that because they are not money bags. One of her friends had a time share that needed to be used so they basically just paid for their flights and anything extra. I was very jealous. Sometime before I die I will go there. Beware because I might be that 80 year old woman in a bikini on the beach in Maui. :) Don't think I wouldn't do that because I sure would. I am so ready for Thanksgiving. I should celebrate that everyday because I have so much to be thankful for.....and I like turkey a lot. ha ha. I really am excited about the couple of days I get off of work. Okay, lets be honest, that is actually the most thing I am excited about. I love my work but it is draining sometimes. In fact, I want a nap right now. Yeah right, I wish. Peace.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Well, nothing really huge has gone on in the last couple of weeks. I got to go and see my grandparents last weekend which was so fun. My family is great. I did receive a phonecall the other day which scared me to pieces. My sister and I were supposed to see a movie on Tuesday and I got a call from her around 3:30 saying she had to cancel. I asked her if everything was okay and she told me that sometime that morning she started to get a huge pain on the side of her belly. She said it was like no pain she had ever felt before. Of course she was crying because the pain was so bad so she go somebody to watch her class and went down to the nurse. While she was telling me this my heart was pounding because I was scared for the baby. She ended up having to call her doctor and the dr. said that it was mainly because her belly was streching. She called her husband and they immediately went home and took it easy. I know that Lindsay was terrified because, this being her first time being pregnant, she had no idea what was going on. I spoke with her yesterday and she said she was feeling a lot better. Oh, and by the way, the movie we were going to go see was High School Musical 3. Go ahead and laugh, but I love those movies. My mom went with me instead and it was magical. :) I really need to go to the store because I have like 3 baby showers in the next couple of weeks and have not bought a single thing. It is not like me to be so late with getting gifts. Oh well, this weekend will be the shopping weekend. Fun stuff.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
So thankful....
Well today is a very thankful day for me because it marks the 5th year anniversary of my car accident. Some people will think that it sure seems like a long time ago, but for me it just seems like yesterday. I feel like after this year, October 29 will just be another day for me. This is the first time I have actually worked on this day since then. I don't want it to be a big thing for me anymore. Okay now I know some of you might be thinking it is a big day for me because something very tragic happened on this day, but I think that I kind of need to move on from it. For those of you who know me pretty well, you know that I don't really care for the emotional stuff. If today is just another day in my book then it will take away some of the emotional feelings I feel on this day. Sadly enough I have already cried once this morning. Afterwards I thought that I shouldn't be sad, but happy that God granted me more time here on earth. Today my parents wanted to see me so they are taking me to lunch and dinner, but next year I will go about my everyday routine with no interruptions relating to my accident. This may all sound really weird to you guys so sorry about that. Okay so enough of that talk. I get to go to San Antonio this weekend and see my wonderful grandparents. I am so excited. I love to visit them. Time means more now because my grandad has prostate cancer. It is a cancer that will outlive him so they are not too worried about it. He did 40 some odd teatments of radiation and hopefully that will be enough for now. They will go in and recheck sometime soon. I love my grandparents so much and can't even stand the thought of losing them. I lost my grandmother 6 years ago and that was really tough. Other then the cancer thing, they are all in good health. So today I am very thankful for so many things in my life.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I'm going to have a nephew!
So I went to Lubbock this past weekend for the Texas Tech/Nebraska game. Wasn't that a nailbiter??? It is funny because almost all of one side of my family lives in Nebraska so one would think I would route for them right? Well, I routed for Tech. My sister and brother in law both graduated from there. I was very happy they won. It was a nice family gathering because I drove up with my mom and then we met my uncle, cousin, his wife, and their 2 kids there. I don't get to see them very often so it was a pleasure spending time with them. I also got to see my precious friend Lindsay, who I hadn't seen in over 5 years. During that time she got married and had 2 kids. I was so happy to meet all 3 of them. We didn't get to spend a heck of a lot of time together, but that was okay, because even 5 minutes would have been good enough for me. When we got back on Sunday, I wasn't feeling very well and I ended up staying home from work on Monday. The stomach flu is the worst. It ended up being okay though because I got a call from my sister that afternoon telling me that they found out they are having a little boy. That made my day so much better. His name is going to be Brody Journey Lewis. They decided on that a long time ago. I suppose they are sticking with it because they are telling everyone about the name. I had my sister over for dinner last night and her belly really popped up. I have been taking monthly pictures to document the growth and I took one last week and it was still pretty flat. I guess it just happened overnight between last week and last night. She looks so cute. She said she is really starting to feel the whole pregnancy thing and she didn't say it in a happy tone. Hopefully it will get better for her. I still haven't wrapped my mind around the thought that she is going to have a kid in March. My life is very full right now.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
As you get older, isn't the drama supposed to stop with your friends? I guess not. I honestly feel like I am in high school again. I just can't do it anymore. I am too old for this. I suppose I need to buck up and tell my friends that I am out of it and not to tell me anything. It has nothing to do with me yet I feel so drained from hearing everything and giving advice. I guess the thing to do is just say no. This blog was pointless, sorry, just needed to vent a little.
Monday, September 29, 2008
First Time Out of the Gate
Okay so my friends really wanted me to start a blog so that I would have links for other blogs. I tried to explain to them that I have nothing to blog about. I'm not getting married anytime soon and I'm not pregnant. I really don't live that exciting of a life. Well, I am giving it a shot. Here's whats going on now in my life. I will be a first time aunt in March so maybe I can post pictures of my little nice or nephew when they come. I am so excited to be an aunt. I really thought this day would never come. My sister and her husband have been married for about 3 years so I really thought they would wait a little longer. I really thought that since my sister just started her first year of teaching. Well, I of course was wrong. Let me explain how I was told I was going to be an aunt. This was mid July and I was at work and it was about 3:00PM. I get a call from my sister which I thought was weird because she never calls me during the week at this time because she is at work. When I answered she asked if I was alone. I immediately thought someone had died. That was legit to think since she asked if I as alone right? Well, she thought it was weird that my mind went there and assured me it was a good thing. She then just blurted out that they were pregnant. I really didn't know what to say because that was not what I was expecting to come out of her mouth. I was in floored. Of course I was happy though. That was the best news I had heard in a long time. The little bundle of joy is due in the spring and I really cannot wait. From what happened 5 years ago, I almost wasn't here to see this but I am and I feel very blessed. I would put the sonogram picture below but seeing as I am new to this. I have no idea how. I will learn soon patiend. :)
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